About Northeast Partnership &
Randolph Air Power Community Council
Northeast Partnership
The Northeast Partnership (NEP) is a 501(c)(6) non-profit corporation that was formed in the mid-1990's to promote economic growth and quality of life in the Northeast San Antonio area. The Northeast Partnership works to protect and advocate the interests of its Partnership Members.
Our Goals
- Capitalize on the region's strategic location in Northeast San Antonio (IH-35, Loop 1604, IH-10)
- Protect and enhance the region's resources and distinct identity
- Broaden job opportunities
- Diversify commercial activities
- Promote existing businesses
- Promote and enhance the local civilian/military partnership with Randolph AFB
- Identify private and public sources of capital investment
The two primary committees of the Northeast Partnership are the Economic Development Committee (EDC), composed of individuals who specialize in Economic Development in their width=respective cities and the Randolph Air Power Community Council (RAPCO), whose members work with Randolph AFB leadership to support community efforts of mutual concern for military and civilian populations. EDC and RAPCO work to contribute to the Northeast Partnership in order to enhance both business and community growth throughout the Northeast San Antonio area.
Randolph Air Power Community Council
In 2009, the Randolph Air Power Community Council (RAPCO) was formed to support Randolph
Air Force Base and its missions. RAPCO works closely with Randolph AFB leadership to:
- Identify the common interest of the civilian and military population, recognize problem areas and support community efforts of mutual concern.
- Increase civilian understanding of the long-range objectives of Randolph AFB, the Air Force and the military in general to provide greater awareness and interest by the people of San Antonio and the surrounding communities.
- Establish an effective organization which assists the 12th Flying Training Wing Office of Public Affairs and community leaders in carrying out their mutual relations responsibilities.
RAPCO and the Northeast Partnership work together in order to show united support for the missions and military personnel of Randolph AFB.
In addition to being an active part of the Northeast Partnership, some of RAPCO's many programs include:
- Change of Command Ceremonies to greet new commanding officers
- Airman of the Month recognition programs
- NCO Leadership Awards Banquets
- Scholarship programs for Randolph ISD
- Development of the Airmen's Heritage Park
RAPCO is comprised of members of the local civilian leaderships including:
- Presidents of the local Chambers of Commerce
- Local elected Mayors and/or their designees
- Such persons as the Executive Committee approves by majority vote
Meetings are held on a quarterly basis. Department of Defense members (civilian or military) may not vote on issues brought before the committee.

Northeast Partnership Membership
The Northeast Partnership (NEP) is interested in recruiting members who support economic development in the Northeast San Antonio area. Becoming a Northeast Partnership member will allow you, your city or your company to work with other member cities and businesses in enhancing business growth and improving area communities.
Incorporated cities may become Northeast Partnership members by majority vote of the Northeast Partnership Board of Directors. Fees are based on city population.
Associate Members
Businesses, non-profit organizations, cities, counties or private individuals may become Associate Members. Elected representatives of the Associate Membership will sit on the Board of Directors and attend its regular meetings.
Join the Northeast Partnership

Randolph Air Power Community Council Membership
Meetings are held on a quarterly basis. Department of Defense members (civilian or military) may not vote on issues brought before the committee.
Membership Fees
- Business memberships: $150 annually
- Individual memberships: $100 annually